dimanche 31 mai 2020

Leapfrog Photos

Someone who is 100 today... imagine when they were born. The roaring 20s are just starting. A newborn baby. Can you imagine it, at least a little? Take your time. Good. Find a seat there in a black and white photo. While we're at it, make it a color photo. Nah, make it real. You're there. Here. Ok. Now that we're situated, imagine someone who is 100. Maybe this person is related to the baby, maybe not. Whatever you want. Just imagine. From this birth in 1920, we only need 3 more life jumps, and we're in Shakespeare's time.

100 years ago, it's 1920.

Jump One: 100 years before that, it's 1820.

Jump Two: 100 years again, and it's 1720.

Jump Three: 100 years more will take us to 1620.

Ok, well darn, I lied slightly. Shakespeare is already dead. He died 4 years ago. But many people he knew are alive, and we've landed about when the first complete edition of his plays is published. We'll have to wait 3 years. But we'll wager it's on more than one person's mind already to put the works together for publication. Dozens of original first editions are still around in 2020, studied microscopically.

Within living memory, we are only 3 similar jumps away from living memory of Shakespeare's own acting.

Within one longer lifespan, history and even language change considerably.