samedi 11 juin 2022

No one likes to talk about the fact we might all be predetermined in every single thing we do, or about how the concept of free will doesn't make a lot of sense at all.

It's pretty goddamn consequential, as far as ideas go. (That might be a slight pun. Sorry.)

I believe in free will, but I don't even know what that means!

The way I imagine it, roughly, is like a Choose Your Own Adventure. The universe is largely deterministic, but there are branchings. We don't know how they'll turn out. We have clues, sometimes. There's probably a hell of a lot of branching, once you include all your choices and mine and everyone else's and all the animals and so on.

There's a concept called "info scent." It's the impression you get about where a path will lead before you follow it.

I think that's essentially what consciousness is.

The purpose of consciousness is to supply a will with info scent.

The will is capable of branching the universe. The forks start small as little molecular jitters. A neuron fires or doesn't. A muscle twitches or doesn't. You get the general idea.