I'm fundamentally lazy, but then that isn't saying much. Life evolved to conserve energy.
There are plenty of times when I use energy rather than save it. Do you take the elevator? I run up all the flights of stairs. That isn't lazy. But I do it not least because I'm impatient for the elevator and consider running up stairs way more fun, plus beneficial. (Beyond that, I park at the far end of the lot, and prefer to live where I can walk everywhere.)
People have told me that my energy in discussion/debate is more than theirs, and I just seem to keep chugging along. So. My head is often churning with thoughts, and I'm often writing them down, because this is a way most people are lazy compared to me.
Sheer laziness is sometimes delicious. I'd be lying if I said I was only ever totally lazy because I was so miserable I couldn't face activity. No, I sometimes relish being a layabout. There are moments.
Sometimes the world seems so hostile, intolerable really, like so offensively awful that you wouldn't sign up for that or do business with that organization, only the organization is the world and you're stuck in it. Yet at times like this, putting the lie to part of what you've just claimed, it can be so lovely to just lie still under covers with your eyes closed and drift. The contrast between the life you want to veto on principle and how serene you can now feel in a moment of retreat from it...